Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Random Fact #43

A mothers and babies blood never mix during pregnancy.  At the placenta, the nutrients diffuse out of moms blood vessels and into the babies.  It works similarly to a heat exchanger.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Random Fact #42

Alfred Nobel spent a great majority of his life trying to turn the very volatile substance nitrogylceride into a stable form.  He finally created dynamite and earned a fortune from it (from which he started the Nobel prizes).  The irony is that he developed a heart disease and the doctor prescribed him nitrogylcerine (when used in small doses it acts as a vasodilator) the very substance he tried for years to convert to a stable form.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Random Fact #41

10% of sperm are deformed.  The most common deformities are two heads or two tails.